Today I was praying for God to undo something I potentially may have forgotten to do. I couldn't remember if I did it and probably would never know if I had remembered to do it or not. If I forgot to do it, it would affect many people...not for long...but they would be affected, maybe even confused.
So, I prayed for God to give me a miracle and go before me and go to my past. I prayed that he would do what I may have forgotten to do.
I believe the God that healed me of arthritis and fibromyalgia is the same God that can reverse time and ensure the simple was done completely.
Nothing is too small to take to God, nothing is too insignificant. You don't get three wishes and that's it. The Bible says that if you believe, ask and it shall be given; it never mentions a limit.
I use to think I may be bothering God, or perhaps jumping in front of someone in line that was getting ready to pray about cancer, or divorce, or bankruptcy. There is no line with God. He is almighty, huge, able to perform beyond what our little minds can comprehend.
Take all your burdens to him ... and while you're at it...take all your blessings to him too!
ReplyDeleteI just visited your blog, cuz I saw where I could from your sister's blog. I'm turning 51 in a few weeks, so we're near the same age. I, too, am a Christian, on a journey with God, and the things you have written are so like thoughts I've had. I'm so GLAD He has promised to finish what He began!!! I think one of the greatest revelations I ever had was when He taught me that I really don't have to do anything, other than sit before Him, always. He wants to live vicariously through me, and my "self" just gets in the way. My will needs to be laid at His feet, and as I let go of everything, including preconceived ideas, traditions, yes, even beliefs and religious habits, thoughts that I know best what to do.....but especially my will......He is free to give Himself to me!! Having power of any sort was only an illusion. I never have had any power at all, except the power to stay turned to Jesus.....and that is so freeing!!!
I'd like to encourage you to stay with Him each day. No matter what darkness is allowed to be thrown at us, it cannot touch the pool of light and love that Jesus is in this life. I believe it really can get to where nothing has any power to affect us, and all we see is Him, and His light!!! I'm not there yet. If you want to write to me and sometimes walk on this path together, I'd be happy for it! My email is: Otherwise, I am glad to have been touched by you, and wish you every blessing.
Tracy Chard